Pangui accompanies UC students, informing them about the different services and activities that the University has for its students.
Cheerful, close, participative and highly motivated. That’s right Pangui, our UC Mascot is represented in the figure of a puma, and was publicly presented at the university in December 2018, during that year’s Outstanding Athlete Ceremony.
The birth of Pangui was achieved after 3 years of reflection and work with different actors of the UC community, who through instances of participation and co-creation – which included a mobile application and various contests – allowed to build a representative element that symbolizes the essential values of our university.
Its name means puma in the Mapuche language (Mapuzungún), a people for whom the puma is considered a sacred animal, which allows us to contribute to enhance the traditions of the ancestral culture of our country. In addition, their presence in the ecosystem is key to maintaining the natural balance.
During the year you will be able to meet Pangui through our social networks Vive la UC and other platforms. Through videos, memes, reels, photos and events, Pangui will tell you more about the university, the services and all the options you have to make the most of your university life and have a great experience. So now you know, if you see Pangui, say hello, take a picture with him and enjoy all his friendliness.
If you meet him on campus, don’t hesitate to come up and say hello, he’s very sociable and fun!
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